Telligen has been selected to partner with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to perform Support Intensity Scale® (SIS®) assessments in the Northern, Central and Western regions of the Commonwealth.
These assessments seek to facilitate a life of possibilities for Virginians with developmental disabilities (DD) who receive DD waiver services. By evaluating individuals’ needs and driving access to community services, these assessments ensure individuals receive the supports they need.
The SIS® is a national, standardized tool designed to measure the pattern and intensity of supports that a person with a developmental disability requires to be successful in community settings. Telligen will be performing both SIS-C and SIS-A assessments, which are designed to evaluate children and adults, respectively.

“Telligen is ecstatic to be selected for this opportunity. These assessments are critical to ensuring the Commonwealth’s DD waiver participants can obtain the services they need to live full lives,” said Bill Phipps, Telligen’s vice president of state health solutions. “With our long history of serving individuals with developmental disabilities across multiple states, we are confident in our ability to excel at this work.”