Telligen is proud to have worked with United Way to support the Iowa community and reduce the burden on the healthcare industry in Iowa during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March 30, Telligen employee-owners in our Contact Center began answering 211 calls related to COVID-19.
Iowans can call 211 to get information about COVID-19 and have questions answered regarding the virus. The 211-resource number has been an essential source of information for Iowans about COIVD-19 and helps reduce the strain on the healthcare industry by allowing healthcare leaders and workers to focus their time and resources on treating those affected by the coronavirus.
Employee-owners answering the 211 COVID-19 calls help answer a variety of questions regarding the coronavirus disease itself as well as questions related to assistance because of the impact of the current situation on their lives.
“Many [calls] are people with symptoms wanting to know what to do,” said one employee-owner. “Some are general questions about how many cases are in Iowa. Some are questions about when certain businesses will be allowed to reopen. Some are from people asking about unemployment and the federal stimulus check. Some are about how to protect oneself (as much as possible) from the virus.”
At Telligen, we believe that Community is so important to how we do business that it’s one of our organizational values. Supporting the 211 COVID-19 hotline is a way we can positively impact our community and directly further our mission to transform lives & economies by improving health.