“Imagine a day when healthcare delivery in the United States functions the way other parts of our economy do. We as patients would pick providers with the level of information we have when using Amazon or Yelp. Consumers would drive quality and cost-effectiveness with information, competition and genuine choice.” – Alex Azar, America’s Health Insurance Plans, 3/8/18

After taking office as HHS Secretary, Alex Azar identified value-based transformation of the entire healthcare system as one of the top four priorities in 2018. The others are combating the opioid crisis; bringing down the high price of prescription drugs; and addressing the cost and availability of insurance. As we wrap up 2018, let’s look back on some of the Telligen projects and teams tackling top HHS priorities.
Priority 1: Value-Based Care Transformation
Value-based payment models aim to reduce spending while improving quality and outcomes. By the end of 2018, HHS set the expectation that half of traditional Medicare based payments would be linked with a value-based reimbursement model.
VBC Areas of Emphasis Include:
- Giving consumers access to, and more control over their health information (promoting interoperability)
- Improving transparency between providers and payers (access to data on price and quality)
- Expanding alternative payments models (APMs)
- Removing government burdens that impede care coordination

How Telligen Helps Payers and Providers Transition to Value-Based Payment and Delivery Models:
- Promoting Interoperability: The Data Element Library
- Lowering Costs: CICDIM (Consolidated Innovation Center Development & IT Management), BCPI (Bundled Payment for Care Initiative), CCJR (Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement)
- Expanding APMs: Pioneer Accountable Care Organization, Medicare Shared Savings Program
- Reducing Provider Burdens: Comprehensive Primary Care Plus, Quality Payment Program (QPP) Technical Assistance, QPP Small Underserved and Rural Practices, Oncology Care Model
- Removing Burdens to Coordinated Care: Project ACHIEVE, Transforming Clinical Practices PTN (Practice Transformation Network)