At Telligen Health and Well-Being, we work with diverse employer groups and health plans to help them address how they can create member engagement. Specifically, implementing a true well-being solution as opposed to traditional wellness, often results in members who are happy and healthier; resulting in a positive impact to our client’s healthcare costs.
Keep the following statements in mind when examining your wellness and well-being programs to your members:
Well-being is more than just physical health
- Well-being stems further than just physical health to include financial health, emotional health and workplace engagement.
Focusing on overall well-being pays off
- For example, a client has seen higher employee engagement scores and lower healthcare costs, paying only roughly 70% of projected employee health care expenses since focusing on physical, financial and emotional wellbeing. They were also able to waive premiums for all employees on employee-only coverage.
Key differences in a well-being approach vs traditional wellness approach include:
- focusing on financial and emotional health in addition to physical wellness
- focusing on mindfulness and emotional intelligence
- having best-in-class employee engagement
- professional development opportunities.
Buy-in from employees cannot be underestimated
- To successfully implement a well-being program, organizations need “buy-in” from members. Leaders must show the purpose of the program and implement it gradually to allow members time to adjust.
- Reilly noted that she has seen more success implementing wellness programs when companies ask what members need or want and hold focus groups with middle management.
Mindfulness and emotional intelligence are the future of member well-being
- Focusing on mindfulness and emotional intelligence is more important than IQ. More mindful members are more engaged, able to combat depression and cut down on traditional medication.
To discuss how you can create healthy, happy and thriving employees while managing costs, contact us by clicking here.