Health Equity

Eliminating healthcare disparities to improve health for all

Telligen has been working to transform lives through improving health and healthcare for more than 50 years. We provide analytics, population health management services and IT solutions to 36 million covered lives in the Medicaid managed care, Medicare Advantage, Medicare fee-for-service and commercial markets.

Our expertise in population health management has long been trusted by healthcare providers, federal and state agencies and other clients seeking to close gaps in health disparities across diverse communities. Telligen’s Community Navigators connect patients experiencing disadvantages with food pantries, homeless shelters, and local and national services. As a Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), our quality improvement and data analytic experts stratify data, pinpoint disparities, and implement evidence-based interventions with healthcare providers and community-based organizations to eliminate disparities, make care safer, and improve health outcomes.

Telligen Solutions

We recognize that organizations’ efforts to advance health equity occur at different rates. Telligen’s health equity solutions are flexible and adaptable to the needs of physician practices, hospitals, nursing homes, health systems, community coalitions, payors, federal/state agencies, and other organizations.

Whether your organization is working to meet new payment reporting requirements such as the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems (IPPS) requirements, the Joint Commission Health Equity National Patient Safety Goals, the Health Equity Index (HEI) for Medicare Advantage Plans or the MDS 3.0 requirements for nursing homes, Telligen is here to meet your needs.

We personalize our services and build upon current efforts to decrease healthcare disparities. Our suite of services can be implemented individually, combined into a full consulting package or customized to the best configuration for our clients.

Consulting Services
Data Analytics & Visualization
Intervention Resources


Telligen’s advisors perform a gap analysis to evaluate available data sources, clinical workflows and reporting practices. We examine each client’s health equity priorities and tailor our solutions to advance their goals. As part of the assessment process, Telligen helps organizations establish a baseline from which they can track measurable improvement. Equipped with a clear baseline, we can begin to help with data strategies and interventions to close health disparities.

Consulting Services

Our trusted advisors include clinicians, quality improvement experts and data scientists who are committed to serving as an integral part of your team. Our subject matter experts can consult on intervention strategies, information technology barriers, and assist with data interpretation (e.g., identifying high performers and understanding the drivers of high performance). We offer quality improvement (QI) technical assistance, including QI plan development and implementation, and suggest actionable solutions to help clients reach their health equity improvement goals.

Data Analytics and Visualization

Our analytic experts and data scientists generate customized reports, collaboratively and iteratively working alongside clients to ensure metrics best fit their needs. Our approach starts with disparities-sensitive measures for clinical focus areas, such as chronic conditions or comorbidities, and includes existing data and population-level measures important to a client’s current priorities. We also integrate public-use data sources, such as the Area Deprivation Index (ADI), the CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index (SVI), and the CDC’s Environmental Justice Index (EJI).

Telligen’s advanced analytics team has decades of experience creating reports and dashboards in visually engaging formats, including trending, benchmarks, and stratifications to display progress toward goals and indicate any gaps in care for focus areas and/or populations of interest. Where appropriate, we use Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping software to display equity gaps and intervention opportunities. Dashboards enable our clients to monitor intervention success and track outcomes.

Please click the buttons below for examples of shareable data analytic products. The dashboard examines variations in a synthetic population of Massachusetts residents to examine health drivers, including gender, age, race, ethnicity, and geolocation. The white paper delves into publicly-available data to better understand primary care provided by safety net providers. The first data visualization displays information about potential language barriers between patients and providers using data from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Uniform Data System (UDS), while the second displays how Iowa counties compare to one another on the lack of health insurance coverage using both national and state percentiles derived from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Environmental Justice Index (EJI).

Intervention Resources

Telligen advisors apply proven methods and propose creative solutions to help clients implement evidence-based interventions for the elimination of healthcare disparities. Our library of resources supports education and training needs and offers clients the ability to choose from practices and programs proven to be effective in advancing health equity.

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