Insights Needed to Take Meaningful Action
Collect, validate, enhance, and report quality data all in one place. Qualitrac® includes a robust library of HEDIS and non-HEDIS measures for hospital, provider, and ACO quality reporting programs.
Analytics and dashboards provide actionable insights to address gaps in care at all levels of aggregation, from the plan and population level, down to the provider and individual member results.

In collaboration with case managers, providers, and members we have developed our Qualitrac® Case Management module to support a comprehensive person-centered care coordination process by combining innovative technology and user-friendly design in a cloud hosted SaaS product that integrates easily into your population health enterprise systems environment.
Effectively manage the whole person with Qualitrac. Using our Member Hub, our Care Team portal, and our mobile app, the case manager, member, and member’s care team can effectively communicate and manage the member through their LTC, behavioral health, or medical needs. Qualitrac guides the case manager through the process while also giving them flexibility to configure and adapt to the unique needs of every member. Communication and information sharing is available with our accessible solution for the member’s care team including natural supports and community-based organizations.
Module Features

Quality Measures solution that includes all NCQA-certified HEDIS measures; national measures; and client-specific measures

Ability to flexibly configure business rules, map and transform files from any source and format into our standardized data model

Flexible data solution and EDM product that can interface with any data source, including HEDIS supplemental data files

Member Dashboard that provides a simple member-centric view of gaps in care, measure compliance, and various utilization metrics

Reports and dashboards to let you easily see results for individual members or your entire population

Every measure report has the capability to drill up or drill down from aggregate results to individual member data and back

Quality Measures solution that includes all NCQA-certified HEDIS measures; national measures; and client-specific measures

Ability to flexibly configure business rules, map and transform files from any source and format into our standardized data model

Flexible data solution and EDM product that can interface with any data source, including HEDIS supplemental data files

Member Dashboard that provides a simple member-centric view of gaps in care, measure compliance, and various utilization metrics

Reports and dashboards to let you easily see results for individual members or your entire population

Every measure report has the capability to drill up or drill down from aggregate results to individual member data and back
Module Reports |
Quality Dashboard | Member Dashboard | Member Summary Reports | Measure Detail Reports |
Frequency of Selected Procedures | Hospice Exclusions Report | Medical Record Exclusions Report | Sample Changes Summary Report |
Sample Changes Detail Report | Chase Summary Report | Supplemental Data Impact Report | IDSS-PLD Report |

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Qualitrac Modular Solutions

case management module

quality measurement & reporting module

utilization management module