Clinical Practice Improvement Activities (CPIA) is the brand new category of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System and counts for 15% of an eligible clinician’s MIPS score in year 1 of CMS’ Quality Payment Program.
All MIPS eligible clinicians can participate in the CPIA as an individual or as a group. There are eight subcategories of CPIA as shown below. Each subcategory contains different activities, and eligible clinicians can earn points by completing those activities. Eligible clinicians will be able to choose the activities that best fit their practice. Click here to see an expanded list of all the qualifying activities.

Each activity is scored as High (20 points) or Medium (10 points). Most eligible clinicians will need to achieve 60 points for a full score, but some small, rural and MUA practices will have a lower threshold to achieve a full score. Additionally, Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) will receive a full score, and those participating in an APM will receive half of the total possible score.

For example, if an eligible clinician were to complete one high-scored CPIA and three medium-scored CPIA, his or her CPIA points would total 50 points (20 + 30). That EC’s CPIA performance category score would equal 83% (50 ÷ 60 = .8333333). And finally, he or she would have earned 12.5 points toward the MIPS Composite Score (.8333333 x .15 = .125).