Telligen Health and Well-Being

Here are some of the things we hear in the market:

  • “Wellness is nice but I can’t show ROI and my CFO needs to see results.”
  • “Disease management, case management, and utilization management provide great returns and real ROI but we want a great wellness program with challenges to help with our culture.”
  • “I have too many vendors but there isn’t a partner that can do all the things I need, at least not as well as my population deserves.”

Do any of the above statements sound familiar?

As you may remember, Total Well-Being was acquired by Telligen in July of 2016. Telligen had all the tools for healthcare cost containment with clinical interventions – over 350 clinical staff delivering coaching, case management and utilization review, and more than 175 contracted board-certified physicians. Telligen is also URAC accredited and has proprietary technology to ensure appropriate care for the member and returns for their client.

Although Telligen had a robust set of solutions, one thing was missing; wellness. The wellness piece is so critical in creating a culture of happy, productive and thriving members. Now as one company, Telligen Health & Well-Being, we can keep your healthy members healthy while still doing what Telligen has always done best – impact individuals who drive the majority of your healthcare spend and need care the most through appropriate and targeted interventions.

Now clients do not have to choose between VOI (value on investment) from wellness programs and proven ROI (return on investment) from disease management, case management and utilization management. The integration of Telligen and Total Well-Being brings together industry leading engagement and well-being solutions PLUS clinically-focused care management programs allowing clients to maximize their business performance, through improved member health, engagement and organizational culture, and lowered health plan costs.

roadmap to cost containment

We call our approach to engage every member where they are regardless of their state of health the Spectrum of Health™. We would love to discuss how one, two, or all of our programs may be able to help your population reach new levels of health and productivity.

Click here to read about our new Spectrum of Health.